
2024 FAO Schwartz Fellowship recipient Alex Gabriel Alex Gabriel, 24岁亚历克斯·加布里埃尔,24岁 艺术历史 major from Bayville, New Jersey, was awarded an 粮农组织施瓦茨奖学金 in social impact.

The FAO Schwarz Family Foundation supports a new cohort of outstanding recent college graduates with paid, two-year 奖学金 positions each year. Fellows work at leading nonprofit organizations in three cities: Boston, New York and Philadelphia. Gabriel will be a fellow at the Museum of the City of New York.

虽然, he will give museum tours to student groups and adjust the content and approach depending on the needs of the visitors, work to improve access programming using feedback from visitors, as well as collaborate with staff members from different departments to ensure that accessibility is a priority throughout the institution.

“既然 在犹太博物馆实习 2023年在纽约, I have grown increasingly passionate about museum accessibility,加布里埃尔说。. “It was inspiring to see a large institution like MCNY that not only recognized the importance of improving accessibility but also provided an opportunity for access programming to be strengthened.”

Gabriel joins a highly selective cohort of fellows from colleges and universities across the country, 包括哈佛大学, 欧柏林大学, 天普大学, 路易斯维尔大学, 华盛顿大学. 路易斯和韦尔斯利学院.

“I am pleased to see Alex’s passion for social impact find a home in the prestigious and highly competitive 粮农组织施瓦茨奖学金,” 卡罗尔韦弗,香港大学教授 历史 和协调员 奖学金 建议. “His selection was the result of dedicated and thoughtful preparation. This experience will lay the foundation for a successful career in the museum and social impact sector.”

The 奖学金 program seeks recent college graduates interested in developing their potential as leaders in the world of equity and social impact. At their host organizations, fellows gain skills, expertise and knowledge. The 奖学金 also includes professional development experiences such as retreats, 指导和网络.

“I know that graduate school is in my future, but I think that having time to work in the museum field will enrich not only my applications but also me as an individual,加布里埃尔说。. “在完成这项研究之后, I plan to pursue a graduate degree in 艺术历史 and continue working in 博物馆, specifically within museum accessibility.”

Alumni of the 奖学金 program go on to hold leadership roles at nonprofit or public service organizations and programs, attend prestigious graduate programs and start their own organizations. 这种选择性, domestic 奖学金 is one of a few programs of its kind focused on social impact leadership.

“We are delighted to see the passion for social impact from our impressive group of applicants,普里西拉·科恩说, 执行董事 粮农组织施瓦茨奖学金. “This year’s candidates are so thoughtful about their pursuits for social change, which came through in every application. As incoming fellows join their host organizations this summer, they will begin their careers in roles designed to put their ideas to work, 提高现有的和获得新的技能, and deepen their knowledge of the social impact sector. I look forward to seeing them grow as leaders throughout the two-year 奖学金.”